
Showing 7–12 of 13 results

  • 96.93

    Be it two years or 30, our Anniversary Bouquet will surely express your best wishes to the happy couple. Loving red roses and pink stargazer lilies gather together in our glass vase. This gorgeous bouquet contains 10 red roses and three stems of pink stargazer lilies.

  • 69.39

    Sunflowers mean warmth and adoration. With this wonderful bouquet of a half-dozen sunflowers you can brighten up your loved one’s day. The sunflowers are lovingly arranged in a clear glass vase to bring warmth and show your adoration.

  • 120.28

    Here’s a burst of color in the form of two dozen beautiful mixed roses. Two dozen red, yellow, gold and pink blossoms come together in our spectacular oversized arrangement. If you really want to make a statement, whether it’s Thanks or Congratulations or Cheer Up!

  • 120.28

    Our vase of 2 dozen pink roses comes in red, mid pink and tender pink. Our roses are perfect for anniversaries, showing the mix of passion and warmth in long-term relationships. The roses come in a clear vase with greenery to delight every heart – but especially someone who appreciates the language of flowers.

  • 120.28

    Two dozen red roses are sure to give your sweetheart the surprise of her life. Our stunning Pure Love bouquet is the ultimate expression of romance! Our two dozen red roses are carefully arranged in an elegant, clear glass vase. Accent greenery sets off the bright red roses to perfection.

  • 82.54

    White roses symbolize perfection and purity. Twelve white roses speak of eternity and your everlasting adoration. Tell her she’s perfect with our sweet bouquet of twelve white roses, tastefully arranged in a crystal vase. Delicate baby’s breath and tender greenery completes this exquisite gift. (This arrangement is available in other shades, too.)




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