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Impress her with this breathtaking bouquet of 12 gorgeous long stem roses. A classic yet elegant choice that never disappoints. Says “I love you” more than a dozen red roses. Tell your sweetheart you think of her all day with these sweet, tender blossoms, framed with fresh green foliage. Our dozen red roses are set off to perfection in an elegant glass vase and make the perfect romantic gift.
Our arrangement brings together beautiful gerbera daisies in two shades of pink. Set off by pretty foliage and lovingly arranged in a glass vase, this arrangement is perfect for moms, sisters and female friends. Sent as birthday, thank-you gifts or Just Because.
Since roses come in so many beautiful colors, why settle for just one? Our Dozen Assorted Roses arrangement presents 12 stunning blossoms of different shades.
This amazing romantic arrangement brings together 18 mixed roses. These tender blossoms combine with lush green foliage into an incredible gesture of love. When your sweetheart receives this, she’ll know for sure she’s loved! Perfect for birthdays and anniversaries, our stunning arrangement of eighteen mixed roses sings of adoration.
Our French-style arrangement brings together eighteen roses and gossamer foliage, all in a stylish crystal vase. Classic blossoms can be arranged in several colors, and are shipped fresh and sweet. This elegant bouquet looks great in any home, and will fill the air with the delicious perfume of roses. Express your feelings today!
Eighteen red roses and gossamer greens are the heart of this beautiful flower arrangement. Composed in a vase, they’ll make quite a stir when you send them to the woman of your dreams! A perfect statement of love, our dozen and a half red roses are sure to capture the heart of your love.